The Importance of Starting College Essays In The Summer!

The summer before senior year is a time of relaxation and freedom for many high school students. It's a period when they can take a break from their academic responsibilities and enjoy some well-deserved downtime. However, for those planning to pursue higher education, summer is also an ideal time to begin working on college admissions essays. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of starting these essays early and completing them before the start of senior year.

Ample Time for Self-Reflection:

Crafting a compelling college admissions essay requires introspection and self-reflection. Starting the essay-writing process in the summer allows students to explore their personal experiences, values, and goals without the added pressure of impending deadlines. It gives them the opportunity to delve deep into their thoughts, reflect on their accomplishments, and consider how their unique experiences have shaped them. Students can develop a more authentic and powerful narrative for their college applications by dedicating time to this introspective process.

Thoughtful Essay Development:

The summer months provide an ideal environment for thoughtful essay development. Without the burden of daily schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and other commitments, students can allocate quality time to brainstorming ideas, outlining their essays, and experimenting with different writing styles. This freedom allows them to explore multiple angles and approaches, refining their ideas along the way. With sufficient time to review and revise their work, students can produce well-crafted essays that truly capture their essence and stand out among the thousands of other applications.

Guidance and Feedback:

Another advantage of starting college admissions essays in the summer is the availability of guidance and feedback. During this period, students have greater access to teachers, counselors, and mentors who can provide valuable insights and support. Seeking guidance early on can help students align their essays with the expectations of college admissions officers. Engaging in dialogue with mentors allows students to polish their ideas, receive constructive criticism, and refine their writing skills. By leveraging this support network, students can enhance the quality of their essays and boost their chances of admission.


Reduced Stress and Time Management:

Senior year of high school can be demanding, with a multitude of responsibilities and commitments. Starting college admissions essays early relieves students of unnecessary stress and time constraints during this crucial period. By completing their essays before senior year begins, students can focus on their academics, extracurricular activities, and standardized tests without the added burden of looming application deadlines. This enables them to manage their time effectively, ensuring that they can devote ample attention to each component of their college applications.

Opportunity for Multiple Drafts:

Writing is an iterative process; crafting a compelling essay requires multiple revisions. Starting early allows students to draft, revise, and refine their essays over an extended period. With time on their side, they can step away from their work, gain fresh perspectives, and return to it with renewed clarity. This iterative approach leads to stronger essays, as students can refine their ideas, clarify their arguments, and eliminate any errors or inconsistencies.


Embarking on the journey of writing college admissions essays during the summer before senior year is a strategic move that offers numerous benefits. Starting early empowers students to engage in thoughtful self-reflection, develop well-crafted narratives, seek guidance and feedback, reduce stress, and produce multiple drafts. By investing time and effort into their essays before the start of senior year, students position themselves for success in the college admissions process. So, make the most of your summer break and embark on the exciting and transformative process of writing your college admissions essays.


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